Teie kommentaarid

Sorry, at the moment we do not have any plans to enable registering new sites in near future.

Hello, please try to add domains in different order: first www.name.eu and then name.eu. Did it help?
Unfortunately you can not have a hidden areas with user registration in your Sauropol.com website. But if you like the software, you can install it to your own server. Check out Saurus CMS Community Edition at www.saurus.info.
Search engine optimizing or “SEO” is a whole science, but there's couple of basic steps you should at least consider:
- Use appropriate meta data. Log in to your site, open “Properties > Site properties“ page from the editor toolbar and fill in the “Meta-info“ fields.
- Customize human-friendly URL-s that are generated automatically when you create new content to match the keywords that your target audience is searching for.
- Do the same with each page content: make sure the potential search phrases exist in your texts.
We recommend tracking your site statistics using Google Analytics:
- First, sign up with Google Analytics to retrieve a small tracking code for your website.
- Log in to your site, open „Properties > Site properties“ from the editor toolbar, enter that code to the „Page-end HTML“ textbox and save your changes. A few days later your site statistics will appear under your Google Analytics account.
Log in to your site and choose “Properties > Site design” from the editor toolbar. This will list all available design templates and allows you to apply or download any of them.

By downloading, you will get a .zip package - study it's contents. With little knowledge about HTML, Javascript and basic programming, you should be able to change, customize or replace the template code. To test it out, pack all the files to one .zip file again and upload it to your site. Check out the API Reference for further explanation.
Thanks for the feedback! We removed the "About (us)" menu item entirely leaving link only from site footer.