
Log in to your site and choose “Properties > Site design” from the editor toolbar. This will list all available design templates and allows you to apply or download any of them.
By downloading, you will get a .zip package - study it's contents. With little knowledge about HTML, Javascript and basic programming, you should be able to change, customize or replace the template code. To test it out, pack all the files to one .zip file again and upload it to your site. Check out the API Reference for further explanation.
By downloading, you will get a .zip package - study it's contents. With little knowledge about HTML, Javascript and basic programming, you should be able to change, customize or replace the template code. To test it out, pack all the files to one .zip file again and upload it to your site. Check out the API Reference for further explanation.
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By downloading, you will get a .zip package - study it's contents. With little knowledge about HTML, Javascript and basic programming, you should be able to change, customize or replace the template code. To test it out, pack all the files to one .zip file again and upload it to your site. Check out the API Reference for further explanation.